Wednesday, January 30, 2008

3 Signs of a Miserable Job

Do you dislike your present position? Are you stagnating in your present position? Are you looking for a career? Do you need skills to get that dream job?
Training You can help you achieve success.

A wonderful job related article can be found in this link. Check it out and check out Training You.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I remember the first time I purchased a battery powered screw driver. I felt empowered. Isn't it bizarre how such a simple object can change our world. My first battery powered screw driver came with two 'C' batteries. Everyone on my Christmas list received one. Today they come with mega chargers that plug right into an electric socket. You need to take a mini course on how to assemble them and use them. My - how times have changed. Now you can watch a video on screw drivers. Enjoy!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Measure Up

How did the pioneers build without a measuring tape or a laser measuring tape? Makes you wonder? Today we build to certain specifics and have high standards we need to meet. We have an array of products to use to measure twice cut once. All measuring tapes are not created equal.

Looking to buy a measuring tape? Try this site.

How to read a measuring tape.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Got Hammered

A hammer's a hammer - right? Are all hammers for right handed people? Do all hammers perform the same function? Is there a right way and a wrong way to use a hammer?
Training U offers more than just hammer training - they offer you a career.

Everything and more you want to know about hammers can be found here.
And the ladies STRIKE out - or down. Hammers are not just for guys.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Job Security

Measure twice, cut once, words from the wise builder Norm Abrams.
If you have ever watched This Old House you may be familiar with Norm. He is a fantastic craftsman.

Builders are a unique group of people. Just because you can hit the nail on the head with a hammer doesn't mean you can build a house. When would you use a galvanized nail? A finishing nail? How do you really hold a hammer for maximum efficiency? Are there left handed hammers for left handed people? Building takes practice and patience.

Building, remodeling and construction work will never become a lost art. And it is a work of ART. Your heart, soul and every muscle in your body goes into it. Your creation - your masterpiece.

If you're looking for a satisfying career with job security - build it and the pride will show.